The final Ashby’s draft HM-MVP report is available for you to view.

Due to climate change, the Town of Ashby is expected to experience more precipitation, heat waves, and increasingly frequent and intense storms.
To prepare for the impacts of climate change, the Town of Ashby was awarded funding to complete the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) planning process alongside an update to the Town’s 2015 Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP).
Overview of the Program and Grant
- The MVP grant program provides technical and financial support for cities and towns across the Commonwealth to plan for climate change resiliency and implement priority projects.
- The HMP is part of a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) program that involves:
- Identifying the risks and vulnerabilities associated with natural disasters
- Developing long-term strategies for protecting people and property from future hazard events.
By completing this project, Ashby will be eligible for federal FEMA grant programs and state MVP Action grants for the implementation of hazard mitigation and climate adaptation projects. Your input on this project is essential!
Get Involved
Want to be part of the solution? Take these quick steps:
- Watch our short video.
- Share the video and your thoughts online using the hashtag, #ResilientAshby.
- Submit a question through our comment form.
- Watch a recording of the Public Listening Session and view the presentation.
- Read the final report. (UPDATED)
- Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities for engagement!
Project Milestones
The Ashby HM-MVP project involves the following work:
- Convening a Core Team of municipal department heads who provide key input through meetings, online surveys, and interviews
- Engaging key community stakeholders through a virtual Community Resilience Building (CRB) Workshop series
- Engaging the residents and business owners through webpage updates, an online video and survey, and a virtual Listening Session
- Conducting a vulnerability and risk assessment of historic hazards and the potential impact of climate change
- Updating progress on the previous Hazard Mitigation Plan
- Documenting the Town’s critical facilities and capacity to mitigate and respond to hazards
- Developing an action and implementation strategy
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