Town residents are encouraged to use our public well. It is filtered, maintained, and tested regularly. Pass the word! Bring your bottles down to 21 New Ipswich Rd.
Massachusetts Residents Advised to Protect Public Benefits from Scams
The Department of Transitional assistance is issuing additional warnings of skimming scams, in which ATMs and card processing terminals of some banks and retailers have been compromised and credit/debit/EBT card information and PINs have been stolen. See details below.
Code Red Reverse 911 System is here – sign up
Code Red Reverse 911 System has made it to Ashby. More information is on its way. Sign up today! While you’re at it, download the Code Red mobile app to get alerts straight to your phone.
Vote by Mail in All Elections
Massachusetts voters now have the option to vote early by mail in ALL elections, with no excuse required. To request your Vote by Mail ballot, submit a signed application to the Town Clerk’s office. In addition to no-excuse early voting by mail, Massachusetts has absentee voting for those who qualify. While early Vote by Mail […]
MRPC-DEOR Clean energy and energy efficient programs and technology, especially for low-to-moderate income households
Working under the Department of Energy Resources (DEOR) Affordable Access Regional Coordination (AARC) program to improve awareness and access to clean energy and energy efficient programs and technology throughout the region, especially for low-to-moderate income households, MRPC has compiled a list of important resources and information related to energy efficiency programs, technologies, and financial rebates […]
2021 Annual Town Reports
The 2021 Annual Town Report is available online.
Welcome Officers Kyle Dodge and Alexandra Hecker to APD
The Ashby Police Department and the Town of Ashby wishes a warm welcome to our newest police officers, Officer Alexandra Hecker and Officer Kyle Dodge. We thank you for your service to the town!
Availability of COVID-19 Treatments for Positive Higher-Risk Individuals
Department of Public Health reminds residents of the availability of COVID-19 treatments for positive higher-risk individuals. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) today reminded residents that free treatment options are available that can be used to prevent severe illness and hospitalization from COVID-19. Several treatments, including monoclonal antibody infusions and oral therapeutics, are widely […]
Free Well Water Testing for PFAS through MassDEP
MassDEP is offering private well owners an opportunity to receive free testing for PFAS compounds in communities where 60% or more of the consumers use private wells, like Wales. The link to apply for free sampling is For more information about the program, see their FAQ (