Town Clerk

Town of Ashby Population Data

Official US Census # collected in 2020 – 3193
Unofficial real time population # collected in March 2025 — 2930

The updated fee schedule for the Town Clerk went into effect July 1, 2024.

Services and Resources

Other Services

Street List:

The new Street List comes out in summer of each year. It lists persons who are registered voters or are eligible to register to vote during coming the year. New residents do not have to be on the street list in order to register to vote. The price is $8.00 for seniors, $10.00 for residents and $15.00 for non-residents.

Public Records:

The Town of Ashby responds to the right of the public to access public records maintained by the Town in accordance with Mass. General Law Chapter 66. The Town takes this public responsibility seriously and is committed to open government and makes every attempt to respond to requests in a timely manner. Certain records maintained by the Town are not public records and are exempt from public disclosure. More information on public record requests. 

Payment Drop Box:

We now have an outside PAYMENT DROP BOX to collect tax and fee payments, dog licenses, inspection applications, etc. when offices are closed. The box is located at the front right corner of the town hall building (next to a newly installed yellow post) and should be equally accessible for walk-ups, wheel chairs and car windows. 

Payments will be collected twice/day during weekday mornings at 8-9am and at 12noon; anything dropped off after 12 noon will be collected or posted the next business day. This added convenience is for check payments only. Cash payments need to be brought inside.

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