Digital Equity

Digital Equity Plan

This Plan was prepared with the help of MRPC and reflects collaboration and community input regarding the digital divide in Ashby and proposes a shared vision for advancing digital equity and inclusion in the Town. This Plan also positions the Town to apply for existing and future state and federal funding and guides decision-making and investments related to services and infrastructure that will increase access, adoption, and internet usage throughout town, with no one left behind.

Digital Equity Plan, October 2024

Potential Projects Identified

The next step is for the town to start discussing projects that they want to apply for as part of the implementation grant. $56,603.77 has been set aside for Ashby but as you know, they can apply for $100,000. First, MRPC has to submit some pre-application information to MBI. MRPC will need some idea of the focus area of projects that the town wants to apply for so that we can fill out the form. We do not need concrete projects at this point but need an idea of what they are thinking. Here are the projects that they highlighted in the DEP as potential for the implementation grant.

Train town staff on digital literacy training techniquesCommunity Anchor Institutions (Town Hall, Senior Center, Library, School)Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
MassHire Central Mass Career Center Partnership
Digital Equity Partnership Program
Outdoor Solar powered Internet café at the Library for off hours useLibrary                                                                                           Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Massachusetts Community Compact IT Program
Improve internet service in public facilites and expand internet service into parking areas.Community Anchor Institutions (Town Hall, Senior Center, Library, School)Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Explore avenues to provide “mesh” type or other alternatives that will improve internet service on the town common.Town HallMunicipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Massachusetts Community Compact IT Program
Digital Equity Partnership Program
Expand “Hot Spot” lending program in the Library and educate staff and community organizations about their existence.Library                                                                                            Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Provide additional Chrome Books and Lap tops for loan programs.     Community Anchor Institutions ( Senior Center, Library)                                                                                                Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Digital Equity Partnership Program
Provide translation tablets to all Anchor Institutions and Digital AssetsCommunity Anchor Institutions ( Senior Center, Library, School )                                                                                                  Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Provide computer “pod” for privacy in at the LibraryLibrary                                                                                           Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Laura Bush 21st Century Library Program
National Leadership Grants for Libraries
Provide additional desktop computers for use in the  Senior Center and Library.Community Anchor Institutions ( Senior Center, Library )                                                                                                          Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Digital Equity Partnership Program
AARP’s Community Challenge grant
Provide adequate equipment to broadcast Government proceedings and provide for active resident participation.Community Anchor Institutions (Town Hall, Senior Center, Library, School)Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Training to access online meeting platforms to attend/participate in public meetings.Town HallMunicipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
Local Digital Navigators trained from Goal 1

Let us know what projects they are leaning towards, and we can get the process going. MRPC will need estimates for all the projects, devices, etc. for the application, so when they are having conversations about projects, please remind them that this and budget is a part of their process. MBI does not have any preferred vendors, so each town/city has to do their own procurement.

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