Category: Informational

Items that do not fall in notices or events, but serve to provide information to the public

Informational Notices

Polling Location for all elections in Ashby is now Ashby Elementary School

NOTICE TO THE VOTERS OF THE TOWN OF ASHBY                In accordance with MGL Chapter 54, Section 24, and by vote of the Selectboard on January 17, 2024 the polling location FOR ELECTIONS for all voters in the Town of Ashby has been changed to: ASHBY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 911 MAIN STREET, ASHBY, MA This change is effective immediately […]


Share your thoughts on the potential preservation and use of the Grange Building

The Historical Commission is conducting a survey on the future of the Grange Building and a walking trail in the center of town. Your input would be greatly appreciated. The survey can be found online at Since its construction in 1820 it’s been a church, a private school, Town Hall, Ashby High School, a gym, and the Ashby […]

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