The Ashby Police Department has been receiving calls from residents about this group. They are not affiliated with the Ashby Police Department in any way. A Google search will give you all the information needed.
Annual Town Meeting Warrants Approved by the Attorney General of Massachusetts
The warrants listed have been returned with approval by the Attorney General of Massachusetts.
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Ashby Annual Town Meeting of May 6th 2023 — Case 10995 – Zoning Bylaw Review Status
Extension of review and approval status of the Ashby zoning bylaw warrant articles from the May 6th 2023 Ashby annual town meeting.
Unitil 2023 Rate Cases
Review the Unitil 2023 Rate Cases document for more information on the filing of Unitil’s rate cases. Also available in Portuguese and Spanish.
Share your thoughts on the potential preservation and use of the Grange Building
The Historical Commission is conducting a survey on the future of the Grange Building and a walking trail in the center of town. Your input would be greatly appreciated. The survey can be found online at Since its construction in 1820 it’s been a church, a private school, Town Hall, Ashby High School, a gym, and the Ashby […]
Real Estate Bills now using a Lock Box Service
Starting with your FY24 Real Estate bills to be issued July 1, 2023, the Collector’s office will be using a Lock Box Service. A copy of the notice will be included in your July 1st Real Estate bill. Eventually all bills (Motor Vehicle, Personal Property and Real Estate) will be processed through this service.
Town of Ashby’s Quarterly Aggregation Report for Q4 2022
The Ashby Community Choice Power Supply Program is a municipal aggregation program which enables local government to combine the purchasing power of its residents and businesses so that it can provide them with an alternative electricity supply. The Program only affects the supply portion of your monthly bill and not the delivery portion. Information is […]