NRPZ Relationship to Existing Plans

NRPZ addresses issues that have been brought up in existing planning documents and in the Community Development Survey.

Sustainable Economic Development Plan, 2011

Components of the Sustainable Economic Development Plan that support NRPZ Zoning are as follows:

  1. The Vision Statement (Page 9) states that the Economic Develop plan has a vision to promote and develop Ashby’s agricultural and recreational attractions that Ashby offers to its residents and visitors alike.
  2. The Vision Statements also states that the goal is to develop a sustainable economy that is designed to provide for the needs of the current generation without compromising the future of our descendants (Page 10).
  3. Sustainability was mentioned as a priority.  A definition of sustainability that includes attaining a high degree of economic security and achieving democracy while maintaining the integrity of the ecological systems upon which all life and all production depends (Page 10).
  4. Listed as a general principles guiding sustainable economic development in Ashby is Principle 3: That the Town work toward the development of a local economy that is sustainable socially, economically, and ecologically.
  5. Listed as a challenge in Ashby is Zoning restrictions, stating the town is not very encouraging.  NRPZ Zoning would address zoning restrictions to encourage sustainable development (Page 13)
  6. Question #3 at the visioning session was: How do you feel about growth and change in Ashby and what would you like to preserve or change?  Included in the list of the responses was: 1) Keep the rural Ashby flavor 2) Sprawl 3) Zoning issues regarding growth 4) Population should remain the same but encourage business so we don’t have to drive so far (Page 14).  This answer confirms the strong desire on the part of local residents to retain the rural character and flavor of Ashby, which NRPZ zoning would accomplish.
  7. The conclusion of the visioning session was that one of Ashby’s greatest strengths is its rural character which and natural resources, which NRPZ zoning would promote (Page 16).
  8. An Online survey question asked residents, How do you feel about growth in Ashby?  When asked about the general feeling about growth, 32.5% stated they felt “somewhat positive” about growth.  On the other hand 28.6% of respondents felt “somewhat negative” towards growth.  NRPZ zoning would allow growth in a controlled manner (Page 17).
  9. A conclusion of the study stated that citizens and other stakeholders overwhelmingly want Ashby to remain rural and natural, which NRPZ zoning would promote (Page 36).

Community Development Strategy, 2014 (updated 2016)

  1. States that Ashby is challenged with the community’s desire to maintain and preserve its character and sustainability (Page 1).
  2. Under the category of Natural Resources and Open Space Preservation, goals in the category are as follows: 1) Protect land and ecosystems 2) Use natural resources wisely 3) Plan regionally, by the continued enforcement of environmental regulations (Page 2)
  3. Goal 3 is to Protect lands that support biodiversity and wildlife habitat and action steps include 1) Protect areas identified as rare species habitat and BioMap Core Habitat 2) Identify and certification of vernal pools 3) Promote best practices in Bio Map 4) Supporting landscaping areas (Page 2).
  4. Goal 4 is to create protected corridors for wildlife.  Action steps included 1) Give priority to conservation actions that link large open space and habitat areas. 2) Work with large landowners in identified corridor areas (Page 2).
  5. Goal 5 is to preserve rural scenic character as well as natural resources and habitat.
  6. Goal 8 is to collaborate with other municipalities and agencies to achieve regiaonal integration of open space protection and recreational opportunities (Page 3)
  7. Under Housing goal 1 is to Shape housing development to preserve rural character which is the key mission of NRPZ zoning.  Action steps include 1) Mitigate the effects of ANR development 2) Require the retention of significant existing vegetation in site plan review
  8. Under Cultural Resources, Goal 1 includes Maintaining a balance mix of agriculture, forested and open space lands.
  9. Goal 2, under Cultural Resources, is to Maintain the rural characteristics of the Town by insuring no net loss of significant trees or stone walls, and no net gain of asphalt width on existing scenic roadway.
  10. Under the Project Priority List, is the action to adopt zoning bylaws focused on the preservation of agricultural character and active farms, with the Planning Board being the responsible entity (Page 5).

Hazard Mitigation-Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan, 2021

  • 4.2 Flood related hazards identified as a top concern

Page 4-10 Many stormwater systems in Massachusetts are outdated and were designed with now obsolete rainfall data. The diagram below shows how anticipated rainfall during design storms has increased from 1961 to 2015, especially for the larger 24-hour, 100-year event. Green infrastructure, nature based solutions, and low-impact development can help reduce demand on the existing stormwater system by increasing infiltration onsite. Rain gardens and pervious pavement are two examples of possible strategies. Upsizing culverts to reflect future rainfall data is also recommended.

page 4-13. 29% of Ashby parcels in 100 year flood zone. Value of $46 million.

Suburban turf lawn reduces rainfall infiltration supporting information

In a North Carolina Watershed study (Kays, 1980) the mean soil infiltration rate went from 12.4 in/hr to 4.4 in/hr when a site was converted from forest (duff layer on soils) to suburban turf. Other studies (Bharati et al. 2002) have found similar results when comparing hourly infiltration rates and soil bulk density of forested areas with crops and grazed pasture. Source Penn State Extension Service

Community Development Plan, 2004

  1. Natural Resources
  2. Plan to protect future drinking water supplies
    1. Seek assistance to monitor private well water quality and quantity by sponsoring free water testing days.
    1. Create a multi-year plan to raise funds for a public water supply feasibility study and mapping of aquifers.
  3. Protect water quality in streams and ponds
    1. Consider passing a local wetlands bylaw.
    1. Pursue conservation restrictions on sensitive upland buffer areas.
    1. Provide town residents with information about best management practices.
  4. Protect lands that support biodiversity and wildlife habitat
    1. Promote protection of areas identified as rare species habitat and BioMap Core Habitat.
    1. Promote identification and certification of vernal pools.
    1. Promote best management practices in BioMap Supporting Natural Landscape Areas.
    1. Create protected corridors for wildlife by pursuing conservation restrictions that form a network.
  5. Preserve rural scenic character as well as natural resources and habitat
    1. Establish new zoning for residential development that preserves open space.
    1. Identify and designate scenic roads.
  6. Identify options for nature-based recreation that coincide with natural resources priorities.

Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP), 2018

Section 3: Community Setting:

    Regional Context

“Townspeople in Ashby rely on private wells for their water needs. The forests on our undeveloped lands help maintain our clean water” (p6)

   Growth and Development Patterns

“A further review of zoning bylaws would give the residents an opportunity to impact the suburbanization of Ashby” (p21)

   Planning for the Future

 “Ongoing residential development puts pressure on Ashby to address open space needs before it is too late…. Ashby should keep encouraging uses of open space that make economic sense for the owner…. Ashby should also continue its strong public and private commitment to preserving open space though purchase, donation, conservation restrictions and agricultural preservation protection in perpetuity…..” (p22)

Section 6: Community Goals

   Statement of Open Space and Recreation Goals

“The 2018 survey results … and additional anecdotal information demonstrate that townspeople have a strong wish to retain the small town character of Ashby and to preserve the Town’s natural resources.” (p85)

Section 9 – Seven Year Action Plan

    Goal 2: Preserve Contiguous Farms and Forests (p92)

            C: Planning Board: Discuss an overlay district with incentives for farmers and large property owners to maintain their properties without selling for development. (Medium priority)

    Goal 3: Protect Critical Natural Water Systems and Habitats (p93)

            H: Planning Board: Prepare and present a low impact development or resource protection bylaw to mitigate development impacts on natural resources. (high priority)

   Goal 4: Maintain and Enhance Active and Passive Recreation Opportunities (p94)

            H: Planning Board: Encourage developers to set aside land for recreation and funds for maintenance of existing trails. (medium priority)

   Goal 6: Educate Citizens on the Financial, Ecological, and Personal Value of Open Space (p96)

            B: Assemble and create literature about the financial values of open space (very high priority -PB&CC)

            F:  Planning Board:  Assemble and create literature about the impacts of current zoning on Ashby’s rural character and resources in order to begin the discussion of potential zoning changes. (high priority)

Town-wide surveys were conducted in at least 1988, 1999, and 2018. (Check for a 2004 survey).  Surveys consistently indicate a strong desire to maintain the rural character of Ashby.

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